My WPR is in need of help please!!

Well, I don't know how things are going to turn out in the long run but.. I did my first surgery on one of my chickens this morning. Found out my hen had been internally laying. She was full of what seemed like cooked yolks. The total size of the mass was about the size of a baseball, if not larger. My hen is resting in her cage quietly, she is on her feet moving around a little bit but not too much. I have antibiotics in her water to help try to keep infection away. I will try to post a picture of her when I can. Keep your fingers crossed that she makes it. Oh, I also have her in a warm dark place to try to halt her bodies production of eggs.
If it could be done, I would say spay her. That's great to hear you know what it is now. Hope she continues to heal!

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