My young chicken can’t stand up on its own.

chicken 5978

In the Brooder
Apr 30, 2022
Help! My young chicken is laying down. It can't stand on its own and is not making any sounds. It doesn’t even want water. What could be wrong with it? Or what should I do?
Help! My young chicken is laying down. It can stand on its own and is not making any sounds. It doesn’t even want water. What could be wrong with it?
I am not a pro on this in any shape or form... but while we wait for someone more knowledgeable, I would suggest creating her a "chicken sling" that will allow her to be upright. Make sure she is warm. Try giving her some Nutridrench water in small amounts at a time (make sure you get it in the right throat hole). You can find good instructions for making chicken slings, and for how to syringe fluids into the correct location on this site.

P.S. I am sorry you're going through this with your girl!
How old is she?

Is she breathing?
Any chance she ate something moldy or toxic?
Could she have been injured?
What are your temperatures like? Could she have suffered from heat exposure?

If it's really hot outside, move her to some shade, see if she will take drops of water one drop at a time. Let her swallow before giving her another drop.

I would leave her laying on her side at this time, but you may want to move her head to the side and elevate it with a rolled up towel.
I am not a pro on this in any shape or form... but while we wait for someone more knowledgeable, I would suggest creating her a "chicken sling" that will allow her to be upright. Make sure she is warm. Try giving her some Nutridrench water in small amounts at a time (make sure you get it in the right throat hole). You can find good instructions for making chicken slings, and for how to syringe fluids into the correct location on this site.

P.S. I am sorry you're going through this with your girl!
I know I replied a year later, but after a month of treating her, I thank you for saving her life.

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