My Young Roo is forcing hens! Will he ever change?

Hi, I have 7 roos all of about 31 wks. I also have 10 hens, same age. At first they all shared the same coop, then when my 1 silver pencil neck got aggressive some began to follow. So 2 silver pencil necks, 1 Americana, and 1 New Hampshire Red. These guys would attack everyone. So they got their own coop. So 3 roos left with my hens. After awhile they too began to get aggressive, 1 Rhode Island Red, 1 Buff and 1 Black one ( not sure what he is yet). They too have their own coop. Every now and then they attack each other but they mainly stay quiet. My hens are happier since we gave them their own place to sleep and roam. Once in a while the Buff or the Rhode Island Red will make it over the fence into the hens. Then they are after one thing and that's all we hear from the hens. It takes time to grab them and put them back into their own coop. I have been trying to sale them but no one wants them. I get an early wakeup call around 430 am each morning, from all 7. I never thought that I would recognize each of their crows, but I do. My first 4 they talk to me when I go to feed them, the other 3 for some reason are afraid of me. I treat them all the same each time I feed them. Anyway my first 4 have toned down alot, but the other 3 are still about the same, always trying to get into the hens run, or they fight each other just because. Keep your chin up we are all still learning, I think......
Oh wow,. i would have made gumbo from those by now! I only want this roo for breeding purposes,. or I wouldn't have one,..

sounds like you've got a FRAT house!
Ok,.. that's weird gritstar,..
but now I have to know,.. what happened to BrattishTaz???

I let him out of jail and he ran at the first thing moving and started to dance,.. it was my 9 week old BR roo,.. who was not impressed,..
then on to a very hot and dusty hen who he chased around the yard until he caught her and forced her with her screaming all the while,. it was awful,.. he's back in time out,..

Not as weird as the BYC member whose cockerel fell in love with an empty dishsoap bottle.

I can honestly say I've heard it empty dishsoap bottle....
Not as weird as the BYC member whose cockerel fell in love with an empty dishsoap bottle.

I can honestly say I've heard it empty dishsoap bottle....

Yep, if I'm not mistaken it was BYC member Writer of Words roo. Also, his favorite brand was palmolive.

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