

Nov 15, 2020
I am suspecting my chicken has Mycolplasmosis. Tonight I noticed a couple of sneezes and open mouth breathing.

Right before she went into the coop she seemed a little more "tired" than usual.

It was a hot day and am hoping that it was dust that irritated her airways.

Any thoughts.
I am suspecting my chicken has Mycolplasmosis. Tonight I noticed a couple of sneezes and open mouth breathing.

Right before she went into the coop she seemed a little more "tired" than usual.

It was a hot day and am hoping that it was dust that irritated her airways.

Any thoughts.
Same hen you posted about the other day?

I would check her crop first thing in the morning before she's had anything to eat/drink to make sure it's emptying.

In your profile you mention you have Ex Batts - is she an one? Does she lay eggs?
Feel her abdomen below the vent between her legs for any bloat/swelling.

Adding your location to your profile would also be helpful - you mention it's hot so.....

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