Mycoplasma getting worse… eye swelling and sealed shut. Next steps?

Sunshine Chick

9 Years
Jul 17, 2014
Hillsboro Ohio
This is Precious. She has mycoplasma gallisepticum. Bubbles in her eyes, wheezing, coughing, sneezing, lethargic. Sometimes symptoms would go away almost completely, except for the occasional sneeze. I thought she was fighting it off, like the rest of the flock, but she took a big turn downhill 2 days ago. Her left eye is always shut now, and is weeping more fluid than it did before. She feels warm. She’s been fighting this off for probably a couple of weeks. I gave her yogurt and things to give her a boost when she was still with the rest of the flock. Like I said, she seemed to be getting better… I was late giving them water one day (I’ve been sleeping in because of illness myself), and that’s the day she got worse.

I am giving her heavily diluted oregano and thyme because that’s what I have on hand, with probiotics and yogurt an hour after each dose. Her appetite still seems healthy, and she is drinking. But she’s sleeping a whole lot more now.
I heard antibiotics can help, but otherwise I don’t see a lot of options…

I wormed her yesterday with safeguard, and began CORID treatment for coccidiosis, which I believe went through the flock earlier in the season. Just to cover a few bases and hopefully give her a better chance of fighting this off.
She was just dusted yesterday with diatomaceous earth for a very bad case of parasites, which has worked wonders for me in the past.

What is a good next step for me? She’s currently inside the house where she can easily keep warm.
She has mycoplasma gallisepticum.

Sometimes symptoms would go away almost completely, except for the occasional sneeze.
dusted yesterday with diatomaceous earth for a very bad case of parasites

You have confirmed MG or just a good guess based on symptoms?

Tylosin/Tylan, Tetracyclines and Tiamulin (Denagard) are a few antibiotics that can treat symptoms of MG. You may be able to find Tylan at TSC depending on where you live, otherwise these can be ordered online.

Antibiotics are not a cure. MG is contagious and makes birds carriers for life, so it's not surprising for bird(s) to continue to become symptomatic.

Clean/flush eye with saline, then apply a little dab of Terramycin eye ointment in the eyes.
Make sure she's drinking and eating well.

For external parasites, a Permethrin based dust or spray would be more effective than DE. Housing and the other birds need to be treated as well. Treat in 7 day intervals.

The Corid won't hurt and deworming either I suppose. Often birds that have disease are weak and these can easily overwhelm them.

How many birds do you have? Depopulation of the ones that are sick or that continue to become symptomatic over and over again may be a better option(?) I understand no one likes the idea, but some do that.
You have confirmed MG or just a good guess based on symptoms?

Tylosin/Tylan, Tetracyclines and Tiamulin (Denagard) are a few antibiotics that can treat symptoms of MG. You may be able to find Tylan at TSC depending on where you live, otherwise these can be ordered online.

Antibiotics are not a cure. MG is contagious and makes birds carriers for life, so it's not surprising for bird(s) to continue to become symptomatic.

Clean/flush eye with saline, then apply a little dab of Terramycin eye ointment in the eyes.
Make sure she's drinking and eating well.

For external parasites, a Permethrin based dust or spray would be more effective than DE. Housing and the other birds need to be treated as well. Treat in 7 day intervals.

The Corid won't hurt and deworming either I suppose. Often birds that have disease are weak and these can easily overwhelm them.

How many birds do you have? Depopulation of the ones that are sick or that continue to become symptomatic over and over again may be a better option(?) I understand no one likes the idea, but some do that.
A good guess based on symptoms. The bubbles in her eyes we’re a givaway, I thought.
I have 38 chickens now, I think.
I was going to depopulate this Spring, since I currently don’t have freezer space for them. 😓 Unpleasant yes, but far easier on me emotionally than watching them die one by one.

I will call TSC about the Tylan now. Would it have the terramycin cream for her eyes, too?
Thank you!
Tylosin is the powder form of Tylan, and is available here to use in the water at a dosage of 1 tsp per gallon of water for 3-5 days. Only treat birds with symptoms:

Tylan50 if found in a feed store is injectable and withdrawn with a syringe, but it can be given orally at a dosage of 0.25 ml per pound 3 times a day for 3-5 days.
TSC usually carries Terramycin eye ointment. If you can't get that, then you can use Original Neosporin in the eyes.

Bubbles in the eyes and symptoms you describe, I would agree that it's likely MG.
I'm sorry you're having to deal with all this:hugs
Thank you… it’s been rough. I’m about to pick up the medicine; they did have the Tylan 50 and the terramycin, so I can give her that when I get back home.
Tylosin is the powder form of Tylan, and is available here to use in the water at a dosage of 1 tsp per gallon of water for 3-5 days. Only treat birds with symptoms:

Tylan50 if found in a feed store is injectable and withdrawn with a syringe, but it can be given orally at a dosage of 0.25 ml per pound 3 times a day for 3-5 days.
Oh, thank you! Dosages are so good to have. They’re usually not clear on the package… probably because they aren’t marketed for use on poultry.

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