Mysterious dead Peahen


Apr 26, 2017
Hey all. I have 2 Peahens in a 10 by 10 enclosure outside with poultry netting and welded wire. Little birds get in but nothing large. I found this girl dead this morning with her head up against her neck and against the cage. No sign of lesions, and no sign of outer illness (puffy eyes, runny nose etc.) But definitely dead. It was with chickens briefly several months back but has otherwise lived apart from them. Any ideas? The other Peahen seems fine.


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Refrigerate the body (do not freeze) and look for a lab that will perform a necropsy. The lab results will tell you exactly what caused this death. Other than that, we can only guess, and you will still not be sure what you might be dealing with that could have consequences for all your birds.
You have several labs available.

Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (Main)
483 Agronomy Road
College Station, Texas 77843-4471
Phone: 979-845-3414
Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory - Amarillo (Branch)
6610 Amarillo Blvd West
Amarillo, Texas 79106-1706
Phone: 806-353-7478

Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory - Center (Branch)
635 Malone Dr
Center, Texas 75935-3530
Phone: 936-598-4451

Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory – Gonzales (Branch)
1162 East Sarah DeWitt Drive
Gonzales, Texas 78629
Phone: 830-672-2834

Texas Animal Health Commission State-Federal Laboratory
8200 Cameron Road, Suite A186
Austin, Texas 78754-3832
Phone: 512-832-6580

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