Mystery 3 week old....


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jan 14, 2013
South Central Wisconsin
I bought four "easter egger pullets from someone two weeks ago- One is an easter egger but has far better odds of being a roo than a pullet. One is a RIR (hopefully a pullet??). One is apparently a Jersey Giant (sex TBD) ...This is #4; now I'm no chicken expert but odds are that this isn't an EE---- could someone be so kind as to give me an indication as to what it is.....

Feet are a pearly pinkish color with dark wash down the center.

Could it be a barred rock with off color feet? I did a google search for barred rock and one of the first that came up actually did have pink feet.
Sweet little chick!
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Hmm. It's funny you should say that, I've been wondering the same thing. My first batch of chicks (first in my life) are currently 6 weeks old BR pullets. This sweet little chick is a lot lighter than them and is feathering differently-- I feel like my barred rocks started black and very slowly got barred (closer to 4-5 weeks) this one has been barred for about a week now. That has me wondering is this a BR roo?? But I can't find a comprarable picture to a young BR roo. The feet also had me second guessing it being a BR- as you mentioned they're typically yellow, but I guess you say (goole says) there are others out there with pink feet? I'm so confused, I just want to know what this baby is.
Hmm. It's funny you should say that, I've been wondering the same thing. My first batch of chicks (first in my life) are currently 6 weeks old BR pullets. This sweet little chick is a lot lighter than them and is feathering differently-- I feel like my barred rocks started black and very slowly got barred (closer to 4-5 weeks) this one has been barred for about a week now. That has me wondering is this a BR roo?? But I can't find a comprarable picture to a young BR roo. The feet also had me second guessing it being a BR- as you mentioned they're typically yellow, but I guess you say (goole says) there are others out there with pink feet? I'm so confused, I just want to know what this baby is.
The pink feet you are noticing are the giveaway that it is NOT a rock. Pink feet are your clue that you have a Marans.

The pink feet you are noticing are the giveaway that it is NOT a rock. Pink feet are your clue that you have a Marans.

Thank you!!!! I guess I was writing my post as you posted so I initially missed it. How do I sex it? Do same rules apply as BR's ? The dark wash on the legs and the overall light or dark body color? Would you venture a guess as to roo or pullet here ?
Thank you!!!! I guess I was writing my post as you posted so I initially missed it. How do I sex it? Do same rules apply as BR's ? The dark wash on the legs and the overall light or dark body color? Would you venture a guess as to roo or pullet here ?

Yes, they are supposed to have the same gender rules as barred rocks (you can see the light roo in the pic I posted in the front, and some dark females in the back).

Unfortunately hatcheries can get sloppy with thier genetics, however. Going by the rules, your chick is a male. But I would watch it for a while, it could surprise you if the hatchery is being lazy.
Thanks again for your help! Evidently this "hatchery" was lazy and sloppy- 4 birds that were supposed to be EE pullets and I end up with this, a Jersey Giant, an EE roo and a questionable RIR... Super..... So maybe I will get lucky. Clearly I'm not getting any of the blue eggs I was hoping for but Marans look to lay beautiful dark eggs which would be a decent consolation prize and if their personalities are anything like BR's I'd be really happy to have one.

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