mystery bantam chick id

You are right about the brahma bantams. They do carry them. I have seem plenty of brahma chickens , but all were standard large fowl.
Learn something every day,,,,
Lol I just took the list of what my store was ordering in and did my research from there lol I truly have no idea... But that's why I love sites like this, a mixing of minds and so much to learn. I also think she looks like the buff Cochin chick pics too.... The anticipation is killing me!
ok here is "Darkwing Duck" my mystery Cochin at 2 weeks(+ a few days im sure), I'm leaning more towards partridge cochin now. I'm also think shes a he due to what Ive read on feather/down coloring also his comb seems large in comparison to others in the flock. Also getting large hock feathers at this point.

and this guy we've named "Bruno" 1 week+ still thinking dark brahma and Im also thinking boy due to his coloring, all the pics ive seen that looked like him turned out to be roos :( oh well time will tell for them both

Here is my boy darkwing duck again, his wattles popped up nice and pink just shy of 3 weeks and his comb is getting bigger by the day
Hope you can see it here

Well it's official, gold laced Cochin rooster and a dark brahma rooster... They are going to a farm today so I though I would update this thread for anyone who might use it in the future...



Sorry the pictures kinda suck, they are so fast now...
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