Mystery Chick from MM *New PICS on pg 6* - any guesses?


10 Years
Feb 25, 2009
Vancouver, WA
Here are some pictures of my free rare chick from McMurray. He/she came with my order of Buff Orpingtons, Ameraucanas, and Cuckoo Marans, so he/she is not any of those breeds. The down was very silvery yellow at the beginning, and the feathers are coming in pretty much white right now. The legs are definitely blue (like my ameraucanas, not like my orpingtons, which have orange legs) He/she is 3 weeks old tomorrow. These pictures are from last night:




Here are some younger pics:




My best guess so far is a blue Andalusian since those have blue eggs and some of the chicks are white. Any guesses on what he/she might be?
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The third pic looks like it might have a muff. Could it be a white EE? I can't tell from the pics, but you said the legs look blue. In the pics, they look green.

I don't know on the andalusian.
ok, but MM sells those under the "Ameraucana" category and I have five of those that I ordered on purpose. They don't have an "Easter Egger" specifically and this chick looks WAY different than my Ameraucanas and is supposed to be a different breed than the others I ordered, so I don't think EE.
cool, thanks. That is definitely my best guess. I found some pictures of splash andalusians and I think that might be an even better guess than the blue.

Thanks for the response!

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