Mystery Chick from MM *New PICS on pg 6* - any guesses?

I am new to chickens, but as far as I can tell, no comb has shown up yet at three weeks, or at least not one that I know how to define at these early stages.
i looked at the pics on your site of the chick, i still say ee, i had one from a hatchery and she was pure white no muff and she laid green eggs, the legs looked green in these pics, mcmurray only has blue andalusians, you would see blue feathering or the splash blue feathering by now, remember there;'s no set standard for these birds, they can be any color or pattern:)
ok, well I appreciate the input. I'll be happy no matter what it is... a person did comment that he got a splash andalusian from MM, so who knows. I really will be happy with an EE or and andalusian or anything else. I just think it's fun to guess
I have andalusian mixes and ALL have combs. If yours has no noticable comb it is definitely NOT an andalusian. With the lack of comb, I am guessing it's a pea comb, which I have to agree with the others and say it's a definite EE
ok, I just went out and took some face close-ups since we're talking about the comb. There is something there, but it's tiny... more than my Ameraucanas but less than my Marans and Orpingtons as this point.



also -

I am still unclear on the idea of the EE vs the Ameraucana from MM. They are two terms for the same thing, right? And since my free chick is supposed to be different from the rest of my order and I already have five Ameraucanas in my order and this chick is WAY different from them then how could this be an EE?
EE's are what the hatcheries call ameraucana, they are not true ameraucana. They come in all kinds of colors. I have heard of many people getting EE's as their *rare* chick....
The comb could be more than the others because it could be a "he" and the other EE's are pullets.......
here is a pic of a true araucana (only using this because it has a pea comb). This is a cockeral,

compared to a pullet , front(this is a lav EE)

both have pea combs, but you can tell the gender on these 2 pretty easy
yes, I know that what the hatcheries sell as Auracanas and Ameraucanas are actually Easter Eggers. What I meant was... I have five chicks that MM calls "Ameraucanas," so these are my EEs. This chick is WAY smaller than all my other chicks (Buff Orpingtons, Cuckoo Marans, and Ameraucanas/EEs) and looks COMPLETELY different. I have a light buff/white Ameraucana in the mix and it looks totally different and is way bigger.

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