Mystery Chick from MM *New PICS on pg 6* - any guesses?

I got a pure white easter egger from McMurray. I thought she was one of the Delawares for the longest time. She has green legs, and is much smaller than my other "Ameraucanas" from MM. She lays a nice green egg. She is my favorite chicken.

I think that's what you have.
You mentioned personality so I thought I would add that all of mine were always very calm and quiet and tended to keep to themselves when running loose. They didnt seem to care about having chicken friends nor much else for that matter and also seemed to be less active then the rest. Great canidate for a pet. I bet if you show it a little extra attention that you could walk up and pic it up as an adult without a chase or fuss as that is how mine were. Was always tripping over the orpingtons from that order as they were very friendly and curious about what my clothes and buttons tasted like, even my freckles. No wearing sandles around them as they would try and eat my toes. Cant wait to see how she turns out. Yes I'm thinking pullet.
wow! You just described the personality to a T! I mean, word for word, that is my little white chick. Calm, a little timid, keeps to itself and doesn't seem to care if other chickens are around or not. Avoids scuffles and arguments and just does its own thing almost 100% of the time. That would be very exciting to me if it's a different breed than my others... and even more exciting if it's a pullet!

And yes, my orpingtons, Marans, and EEs all love to peck at my shoes and clothes... come summer, sandals could be interesting!
As far as I know unless you request it be the same breed as one you ordered. McMurry always includes a different breed than one that you ordered as your suprise chick. Through the years I have placed about 8-10 orders with them and it has always been somthing different. Once I even got a black Sumatra hen. Other times it has been a Silver Leghorn, Buttercup, Buff Brahama, Black Microna and Mottled Houden. At least that all the ones I can remember right now.
cool, that's how I was assuming it would work, but everyone kept telling me that they probably sent an extra of the same breed, but since they call it a fre rare "surprise" chick, I wouldn't think that would make sense. I sure hope it's different! Sounds like you've gotten all kinds of cool ones over the years! Thanks for taking the time to give me the great info!
No promblem, just be sure to post pics from time to time. Talking to you about these has made me really miss mine. They really did have the best personalities and I loved the fact they were so quiet and not as easily startled. I really liked the independence factor with them too though it is probaly safer I guess to run in groups.
Here's a close-up pic of the "comb" from about a week ago (so 5.5 weeks of age) - not much there yet. I am a newbie and wouldn't know how to answer the comb question properly so I think a picture is worth 1,000 words. I think the lack of much comb is what makes people think EE, or at least that's the impression I've gotten.


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