Mystery Chick from MM *New PICS on pg 6* - any guesses?

That looks like a peacomb that an EE would have. A jersey giant would have a single comb - the classic comb that you see on chickens, with bumps showing already.
It looks more like a single comb to me. with those willow legs & a single comb it would be a White Giant.
interesting! Two votes for White Giant now! Also a few for Andalusian, and the most for EE. We shall see! I will keep you all posted with pics when any new features arise.
Here's my white jersey giant from McMurray, at 11 days old... pretty different than yours.
yeah, I think that's why I never considered it before... I saw pics of their chicks and they had some darker fuzz on them and mine was totally yellow and is now all white... but, who knows? NYReds seems to be an experienced, licensed poultry judge and that vote went for giant...

NYReds or anyone else - please see my tiny baby pics on page one, and other pics on page 3... can a white giant start out with totally yellow/white fuzz, or should it definitely have some dark patches like jossanne's?
any chance of getting a clear frontal pic of the comb? I seems elusive

that really is the defining characteristic trait that would tell us what this bird is
Hrm, looks just like the "Americana" (that's how they spelled it lol) I bought at a local feed store here in FL. Mine was yellow fluff and gray-ish legs and is now yellow fluff, white feathers, and green/slate legs.
I will try to get the best directly head-on pic that I can. Pics are really tough because he/she doesn't like to hold still at all... but I'll do my best. Stay tuned! I very much appreciate the feedback
ok, I went through everything I have, including the pics I took today, and it looks like 3/18 is the best day for comb pics of my Mystery Chick. That is the same day as my other comb pic. This one is as directly head-on as possible. I think the real problem here is that the comb growth is so minimal at this point that it's hard to tell much of anything...

Seems like the comb would be wider if it were a pea comb but it is hard to tell. My baby WGJ's ranged in color from yellow to smokey grey one being almost as dark as the one in previous post. I know mine were indeed WJG's from Mcmurry because that is what I ordered and the only white breed I ordered with that shipment. My vote is still for White Jersey giant. Mine never had much of a comb either until they were adults. It took forever to tell which one was the rooster.

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