Mystery Chick


12 Years
Nov 4, 2009
I got the Fry-Pan Special from Cackle and most of the breeds were pretty straight forward. Red chick=production reds, black with white spot=barred rocks, gold=Buff Orps and creamy whites I thought all must be male RSLs.

But this chick started out a white chick and now looks like this! He was also the first to sport a tail, and it's a pretty big tail compared to the others. Any ideas?

Is he a fry-pan chick? Extra tossed in there? What breed could he be?
I took some, lol, hope they don't turn out as huge.
This one shows his color better

And this one shows his proud stance. I can't figure out what heavy breed male he may be. I am hoping that he's an extra, Cackle has game and phoenix and besides some bantams, that's the only thing I think might be that color.
He is definitely not any kind of bantam. He is just as big as any of the others and bigger then some of them. He's a puzzler, isn't he?
No, just a camera that doesn't pick up motion that well, he's clean legged. Cackle's got a pretty good rep, I don't think they'd send out cross breed chicks, even with the Fry pan Special
I guess I'll just have to keep guessing LOL

I'll post more picks in a couple of weeks when he's older. I'm sure it will be clear eventually, it would just be nice to know now. DD's already making a pet of him saying we can't eat such a pretty bird and we should get some girls like him.

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