Mystery Chicks: Faverolles, Wyandottes...???


May 8, 2021
I went into the feed store for 2 hatchlings to place under our broody, and I came out with the 2 plus 6 rescues that had been there too long and were in bad shape. Thin feathers, bald spots, too large for the pen, crops full, and probably malnourished.

Truthfully I was more inclined to take the poor babies because they said I was getting Salmon Faverolles, which I had just read about and was interested in. I hadn't read enough bc come to find out Faverolles have 5 toes. These have 4.

I called and asked what else are they likely to be and they said Partridge Wyandottes. So I start researching those. They seem to be a more brown mottled with blond, and these are not.

They are pale blonde to the wings almost being white and a pale lemon drop yellow on the head.

Please tell me what they could be - anybody with chicken knowledge! I love to know all about my chicks so I can be the best caretaker and know what to expect.

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