Mystery Roo


Sep 29, 2022
I originally thought this one was a pullet from my mixed rooster order from Meyer (2 each cream legbar, blue copper maran, and blue cuckoo maran). They were short 1 legbar and sent me what I thought from the lack of comb development & the different feathering he was a she, but I'm pretty certain it's a rooster but he's definitely not any sort of maran with the beard.

He's got a "split" toe on one foot. Initially I thought it was an injury but it's almost two distinct toes each with their own nail. I'd say Ameraucana but he looks like he's developing a crest, too. Maybe a Steele Egger?

Edit: He's 6-1/2 weeks old in this picture.


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An update for anyone who's interested: Mysterio at 10 weeks:

He or she is definitely shaping up to be a very gorgeous bird. Out of the six chicks I got, this one and the legbar are the only ones not crowing.
Oh sorry, I see that now in the first post. He does kind of seem slow to develop, but I think he is still male.

Are you going to have a bachelor flock?
I’d say he was your blue cuckoo Marans, but for that beard and pea comb. He’s definitely blue, and has some barring, it looks like, and white legs and five toes 😵‍💫 My goodness, he’s a mess. But a gorgeous one! I’m guessing he’s a mix of some kind, for sure.

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