Mythical RP

" Just keep yourself alive, we'll be able to fix these ... Or at least someone will," phantom said , stepping in front of Alexon and slashing the dragon apart until it flew away, practically dead.
Canala finally made it, and without wasting any time, ran away again, to find a medic.
"Absolutely. You are now forever in my dept," Rosita said, smiling and laughing her beautiful, infuriating tinkling laugh. Then she frowned. "Don't do that with your hair. It displeases my eye."
"What? Do what with my hair?" Canala asked. "And, wait. Forever in your debt? That doesn't sound good. Oh, well. Just make Alexon better. He's over there."
Rosita laughed and buzzed over to Alexon, flying from head to toe and all around. It was a lot more work to inspect a centuar than a human since they had so many more dimensions. She noticed a gash on the side of his barrel and some bruising on his pale skin over the ribs. One of his great golden legs was twisted at an odd angle.
"Tsk tsk, you are a piece of work, Blondie. I don't know if I have the healing energy to do this all myself. You really shouldn't injure yourself this much. And maybe wear some armor. The bruising on your chest could have been prevented. Where does it hurt? And don't say all over, I've heard that before. I think I'll attend to the side first, I don't want pretty horsie to go bye bye."
She put her pretty little hands over the gash and let some of her pink into the wound. Right now she was just checking, looking for internal bleeding. "Not as bad as I thought," she said, shooting out her pink power into the wound. "This is going to hurt a lot." Torn muscles and blood vessels writhed together, then the epidermis, then the dermis. Now there was just a pink spot on his skin. "The hair will grow back. Hopefully."
Rosita laughed and buzzed over to Alexon, flying from head to toe and all around. It was a lot more work to inspect a centuar than a human since they had so many more dimensions. She noticed a gash on the side of his barrel and some bruising on his pale skin over the ribs. One of his great golden legs was twisted at an odd angle.
"Tsk tsk, you are a piece of work, Blondie. I don't know if I have the healing energy to do this all myself. You really shouldn't injure yourself this much. And maybe wear some armor. The bruising on your chest could have been prevented. Where does it hurt? And don't say all over, I've heard that before. I think I'll attend to the side first, I don't want pretty horsie to go bye bye."
She put her pretty little hands over the gash and let some of her pink into the wound. Right now she was just checking, looking for internal bleeding. "Not as bad as I thought," she said, shooting out her pink power into the wound. "This is going to hurt a lot." Torn muscles and blood vessels writhed together, then the epidermis, then the dermis. Now there was just a pink spot on his skin. "The hair will grow back. Hopefully."
"Well it wasn't my idea to get injured, you know," Alexon told her. Then he grimaced as she fixed the gash on his side. He ran his hand over it. "How about that," Alexon murmered.
"Well it wasn't my idea to get injured, you know," Alexon told her. Then he grimaced as she fixed the gash on his side. He ran his hand over it. "How about that," Alexon murmered.
“Yes, but I’m sure you could have avoided it,” Rosita said sweetly. “Your type always try too hard to be the hero... usually end up damaging yourselves in the process. Don’t ruin your pretty face, Prince Charming, and maybe, next time, instead of making excuses, thank me instead.” Rosita buzzed over to his right back leg.
“This part’s always the hardest, getting a bone back into working order,” she said, while examining the bone from all sides. “And you still haven’t told me everywhere you hurt.”
The wound pulsed with pink as Rosita examined it. Not that bad, just a fracture, really. I don’t even need help setting it in place.
Cells quickly regenerated in the leg, and the bone was good as new, but not without the cost of extreme pain on Alexon’s part.
A flick of her fingers, and the swelling was gone, too.

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