Mythical RP

“Yes, but I’m sure you could have avoided it,” Rosita said sweetly. “Your type always try too hard to be the hero... usually end up damaging yourselves in the process. Don’t ruin your pretty face, Prince Charming, and maybe, next time, instead of making excuses, thank me instead.” Rosita buzzed over to his right back leg.
“This part’s always the hardest, getting a bone back into working order,” she said, while examining the bone from all sides. “And you still haven’t told me everywhere you hurt.”
The wound pulsed with pink as Rosita examined it. Not that bad, just a fracture, really. I don’t even need help setting it in place.
Cells quickly regenerated in the leg, and the bone was good as new, but not without the cost of extreme pain on Alexon’s part.
A flick of her fingers, and the swelling was gone, too.
(Does healing people exhaust a fairy? Or is healing power inexhaustible?)
(Maybe she has like a power level that can get drained, but it doesn't make her feel much.)
"Not, trying to be any hero," Alexon muttered between gritted teeth. "You got the most serious places, so I'm good for now. Go help other people. And, thanks." He heaved himself up onto his feet, testing his recently healed leg. "Wow. That's incredible." Then Alexon picked up his sword off the ground, and put it back in his sheath.
(Maybe she has like a power level that can get drained, but it doesn't make her feel much.)
"Not, trying to be any hero," Alexon muttered between gritted teeth. "You got the most serious places, so I'm good for now. Go help other people. And, thanks." He heaved himself up onto his feet, testing his recently healed leg. "Wow. That's incredible." Then Alexon picked up his sword off the ground, and put it back in his sheath.
“Okay,” Rosita said, raising one sculpted eyebrow. She wasn’t convinced he’d gotten all the care he needed, but she wasn’t going to dispute it. Her healing power had run low. “Go get ‘em, Prince Charming.” Her next plan of action? Criticizing him while he fought. Maybe saving his life if he decided to almost-die.
“Okay,” Rosita said, raising one sculpted eyebrow. She wasn’t convinced he’d gotten all the care he needed, but she wasn’t going to dispute it. Her healing power had run low. “Go get ‘em, Prince Charming.” Her next plan of action? Criticizing him while he fought. Maybe saving his life if he decided to almost-die.
Alexon and Canala headed back into the battle. Canala had run out of arrows, so she started gathering some off of the ground.
Thank you very much for the mention, but I shall not be joining.
No griffins?
I am in too many already, and I do not believe in witches and wizards.
Please do not take this the wrong way.
No problem. I was planning on doing another mythical one later, like in the summer, with griffins, trolls and some others.
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This thread will be centered around a land called Corvin. Here are the main creatures that live in it.

Phoenix: There is only ever one, and it is always female, and always the queen. She rules for 99 years, then lays an egg and dies. The egg is taken to a volcano, where it incubates for one year, then hatch fully adult. The year with no queen is a difficult and trying year; but it is necessary to remind the citizens how much they need their queen. The current queens name is Zariah.

Witches/Wizard: There is one wizard. He is evil. His name is Aarmon. He is in league with three evil witches, Niniane, Ravana and Lezibel, who have trained him in the evil ways of the past.

Golems: Made of earth, rock, or plant material, they are the laborers, but they work of their own free will. They are not the most intelligent, but are very kind, and always willing to help in any way they can.

Centaurs: They are the warriors. They fight with bows and arrows, swords, and sometimes slings. They can be any natural horse color.

Fairies: The healers. They are the most magical of all Corvinians, apart from the queen. They range from two to six inches tall, and have butterfly or dragonfly wings, which can be any color or pattern.

Naiads: They guard the kingdom, hiding in lakes and rivers. When an enemy stops to drink, they lure him in. If they leave the water, and step onto land, then they become somewhat mortal, living a natural life of 300-400 years. As mortals, they age very slowly, if at all. They can have any color of hair/skin/eyes.

Dragons: All but four joined the evil side. These four act as advisors for the queen.

Imps: Cursed fairies, centaurs, golems etc. They take the form of misshapen snakes, spiders, and salamanders. They have deformed wings. The imps live in a colony called Equinox. They can be changed back to their original form if the queen blesses them.

Goblins: Servants and soldiers for the evil side. 12 are good, and are the personal bodyguards for the queen. They range from two feet tall to seven. Can be any shade of blue or green.

BACKSTORY: In the year of no queen, before Zariah, Aarmon wanted to rule. He crowned himself king, but the country withered and died. He wasn't aware that only a phoenix could successfully govern the kingdom. After nine months of suffering under Aarmon, the egg hatched. Zariah raced to the palace, and was able to banish Aarmon forever. He went and begged the three witches to take him as their apprentice. They agreed, and now, fully trained, Aarmon has sworn to curse all inhabitants of the kingdom he couldn't rule. The only way to get rid of Aarmon is to seal him in the dungeons of Churnobog.

We'll need a lot of characters for this, so if the people I tag would tag other people, I would really appreciate it.

Here's your form!

Name: Opal
Age: 1,500 (basically 15?)
Species: Dragon
Gender: Female (Good Dragon)
Description: A Drake Dragon (wingless, and I can attach a picture of one if you want) Colors: white body, but with a rainbow-like sheen, gold eyes, and grey horns. (only on head)
Personality: cheerful, sometimes sarcastic, can be sensitive emotionally because she has a big heart, and occasionally moody.
Other: She is a relatively small dragon compared to others, and when she gets bored she can get a little rowdy, and occasionally ends up messing up a building...or two-
Name: Opal
Age: 1,500 (basically 15?)
Species: Dragon
Gender: Female (Good Dragon)
Description: A Drake Dragon (wingless, and I can attach a picture of one if you want) Colors: white body, but with a rainbow-like sheen, gold eyes, and grey horns. (only on head)
Personality: cheerful, sometimes sarcastic, can be sensitive emotionally because she has a big heart, and occasionally moody.
Other: She is a relatively small dragon compared to others, and when she gets bored she can get a little rowdy, and occasionally ends up messing up a building...or two-

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