Naked Necks laying Double Yolks!


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 3, 2012
My girls just started laying last week. The very fist egg was pretty big, but the rest have been what I would call a "Small" egg by supermarket standards. I've just finished using up my store bought eggs and brought my treasures out to make waffles for the kids for breakfast this morning. I have 10 eggs in the fridge, and of the FOUR I cracked they were ALL double yolks! As far as I can tell, only two of my 19 week old Naked Necks(I have 4 left after a canine massacre, but that's a whole 'nother post) are doing the laying so far. My Buff 2 Orpingtons and 2 Brown Leghorns are about 17 weeks old and not laying yet. I know it's pretty common to have double yolks at first but how long is "at first"?
Mine when they were younger laid them for a month or 2 then slowly the double yolks got less and less, But they sure are fun to get, I am such a dork I would take pictures of them LOL. and just for fun I would give my egg customers some in thier cartons so they could get a "surprise"
What really amazes me is that there are TWO yolks in these eggs, yet they are so small! Like by supermarket standards they aren't even a "medium!" I'm a dork, too, so I will probably be taking pictures when I make breakfast tomorrow! But I wasn't expecting this at 530 am - now I'm prepared!

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