Name Ideas?

Pictures would help!
@TheOddOneOut likes naming animals.
TheOddOneOut has a thread full of name suggestions.
I posted my favorite name suggestions on that thread. Copied and pasted:

My favorite vintage-sounding names for pullets/hens: Arabella, Araminta, Betty, Elowen, Esther, Frances, Gladys, Lena, Leola, Lottie, Mabel, Rosalind, Tessie, Tilly.

Vintage-sounding names for cockerels/roosters: Alistair, Ambrose, Bertril, Benedict, Cecil, Cedric, Leonor, Leland, Lionel, Maurice, Percival, Reuben, Vernon.

A few flower/herb/spice name ideas for pullets/hens: Violet, Primrose, Cicely, Nutmeg, Lavender, Rosemary, Juniper, Bluebell, Cinnamon/Canela...most flower names are suitable.

Noir, Raven, Velvet, and Lillith (meaning "belonging to the night," according to name websites,) could be good names for a black bird.

Here is the link to the thread itself:’s-thread-of-names-i-can-suggest-names-for-individual-birds-too.1460816/
TheOddOneOut has a thread full of name suggestions.
I posted my favorite name suggestions on that thread. Copied and pasted:

My favorite vintage-sounding names for pullets/hens: Arabella, Araminta, Betty, Elowen, Esther, Frances, Gladys, Lena, Leola, Lottie, Mabel, Rosalind, Tessie, Tilly.

Vintage-sounding names for cockerels/roosters: Alistair, Ambrose, Bertril, Benedict, Cecil, Cedric, Leonor, Leland, Lionel, Maurice, Percival, Reuben, Vernon.

A few flower/herb/spice name ideas for pullets/hens: Violet, Primrose, Cicely, Nutmeg, Lavender, Rosemary, Juniper, Bluebell, Cinnamon/Canela...most flower names are suitable.

Here is the link to the thread itself:’s-thread-of-names-i-can-suggest-names-for-individual-birds-too.1460816/
I will attach pictures soon :)

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