name my emu contest


15 Years
Apr 28, 2009
Mackville, Kentucky
I cannot seem to come up with a good name for my newly hatched emu chick, so I have decided to let my fellow BYC friends name it. I think its a girl but a good unisex name would be best. I want something that fits an emu. Not fred or amanda, not that they are bad names just not emu names. The winner will be named on July 4th. Winner will be awarded a golden feather membership. Good luck and I can't wait to see what you come up with.
How about Tallstrider? Or just Strider? I always thought something that emphasizes their strengths (long powerful legs) would be cool.
Droma or Maizey or Nova (the scientific name of emu is Dromaius novaehollandiae)
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Well... is it a boy or a girl?

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