Name request for my mallard ducklings! *** Pictures***


7 Years
Mar 28, 2012
Anyonehave ideas for names for baby mallard ducks. I would like them to be for boys and girls, but it's okay if they're not. Here is a picture of them at a week or less.
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our grandchildren named our four pekins with their own nick names we had given each of them, but now at 8wks there is only one 'peaches" that we can tell the difference, since his/her beak is lighter than the others. guess we should of banded them, but we let the kids say who is who...don't think they really know either...but we aren't telling them :)
Your babies are adorable...sorry I have no names...Marvelous Six (there is six?)
the hard part is telling them apart, I usually look at the markings under the beak. One time i named them after soft drinks. I had RootBeer, Apple Cider, Apple Juice, Lemonade, and Sprite. But then I forgot which ones were which :p
Very cute. My DD named her pair of Mallards Jet and Chip, and I named our other 5 Mallards Poseidon, Zeus, Aphrodite, Athena, Artemis.

I do all kinds of names. We also have chickens that are Marshmellow, Buckbeak, Henry, Speckles, Moon, Ally, Chilly, Dinner, Annie, and quite a few not named roosters. Plus 4 more babies coming next week that we need to find a name for. :)
I really want to get 3 more ducks. 2 males of any breed and name them Hatfield and the other Mccoy. I'm carzy about that mini series now. I've always loved learning about them in school.

I also want to get a Pekin female and name her Aunt Jemima Puddle Duck, after a book my Grandma use to read to me.

As for my current 4 Muscovy ducklings, they don't have names yet.

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