Name the eggs! Choose your baby to root for!

If so, it looks like Dolly Parton won't be hatching. Can't see anything at all in there. It could be a late bloomer, but I'm not very hopeful. Question mark on 8 and 12 as well, IMO. All others look great! Very good start! Parenthesis: I am a beginner in candling and hatching myself, so this is merely my opinion. We shall wait for the wise ones

11 has the same dark spot in them as 8, hopefully they are just behind. I wouldn't call them clears just yet.
I agree with @TwoCrows. I do see a dark spot in #11!

Basically all the eggs look good! I think they all are developing! By day 8, we should know for sure though.
Watching a chick hatch live was one of the most fascinating things I have witnessed while living on this planet
It really is! I couldn't agree more.
I am a tad worried about the crack on #6 (Lisette) but she seems the easiest to peek into. The blue eggs are so easy to see!! Those dark eggs though? YEESH.
Yeah, blue eggs are normally easier to see.

:( Poor #6 (Lisette). I have used wax and it's worked really well!
I see @Patiocoturnix suggested Nail polish, which I read that it works well.
I was so nervous I was gonna knock an egg over 😫 One did roll off but it didn't hit hard. Just kinda went on a journey for a second. Slight tumble and 3 rolls away. Hopefully nothing jarring!!
That's me every time I candle too! I'm always worried I'm going to break one by accident. 😬
I think the egg will be fine! I've had a few broody hens that jostled up their eggs pretty good, but they still hatched.

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