Names of your Chicken Domains ?


13 Years
Apr 13, 2007
Choctaw Oklahoma
So what does everyone call thier chicken places, houses, runs pens etc.?
Mine is ( pardon my French) Che' Poultre' Le Poultre' Chalet.
For those like myself that don't know French, the redneck translation would be "Shay Pole Tray the Pole Tray Shall Lay" If anyone here does know French please correct my spelling. The only french I really know deals with fries and they aren't even French.
I would like everyone to share the names of their chicken domains though.
If you haven't named it, now is the time. Maybe others on here can help if need be.
I got tired of telling my dw I was going to the chicken pen so I started calling it the Chalet and it kind of evolved from there. Kind of like calling "my" little bathroom the East wing.
Their coop is Chickadilly Circus
When we positioned the run (a modified, practically new gazebo that wasn't getting any use, but worked perfect for the frame of a run), we realised we had stupidly put the chicken door in the wrong place and would need to build them a tunnel. The tunnel turned out adorable and since the coop was Chickadilly Circus, I decided it must be the English Chunnel (how else would they get out?! Duh). Where else would the Chunnel take them but France? So the run has now been christened, wait for it, you'll be amazed by my wit: Poulin Rooge!! Bada-bump-chhhh.
Lol! Those are great! Mine is Coupe De Peeps, my DH said we could have gotten a De Ville for what I have in my peeps and runs and geese and ducks and feed etc etc etc.......

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