Naming of coops

Peep Show! All of the girls are named after 1940's film stars and queens of burlesque: Ava, Lana, Rita, Hedie, Mae, and Sally. (A hawk got poor Bettie Page.)
La coop D'Acadianne ( the coop of acadianne). The translation is close enough. It's proper french not cajun french. I named it this because I live in south Louisiana, cajun country. Home of the best seafood in the world.
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My ducks sleep in a big dog igloo so I had to come up with a "great white north" type of name.

Since I am a deadliest catch fan, I named the pen...

We are graciously allowed to be the caretakers of Cluckingham Palace!

By Order of Her Majesty, Queen Mercedes I the Dawncaller

We are British living in Washington State, so ...what else could we have named it??
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Ohhhhh I love that-so original!!

I'm starting to name mine after my grandmother's girlfriends, they all reminded me of a bunch of old gossiping hens! lol They were all such a trip and I miss them very much, this is my way to kind of honor them. I know my gram would definitely have gotten a kick out of it!! Their names were Mary, Marge, Betty, Agnes and so on... The coop name I haven't figured out yet, I'm gonna keep on scratching the ol' noggin!!
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