

Mar 14, 2017
New Zealand
I wasnt sure where to put this, so in random it goes!

I'm trying to find a name for our place. We want to be a homestead, and grow lots and lots of berries, some rather unusual to our area.

The name we came up with is Lyonberry , but we arent sure what to put with it (homestead, patch, whatever).

We are only a small urban place, so I dont want to use words like 'farm' for obvious reasons.

Any ideas?

or, anyone have any pun type ideas including 'berry' or 'berries'?
Lyonberry Ranch. Lyonberry Acres. Lyonberry Estates.

Lyonnberry Bramble?

Heck. We're Sundragon Farms, and I literally live in a 2 story suburban house in a neighborhood. We're urban farming on a small scale, but no one has to know that, now do they?

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