
I was wondering if my pullet Mocha is a Nankin? Here are recent pictures of her at 10 weeks.

I am Nankin Bantam Breeder, Nankins can be hatched in a inci with fair results, putting them under a hen improves the results, as the eggs and chicks seem to need the hen talking to them before hatching, and the care of a mother after hatching. I can ship to the West coast this fall, It is to cold to ship East and have the egg hatch. I am taking orders for Spring eggs, contact me at [email protected]
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Hello all you Nankin People,

I have a question. I have a single nankin pullet who is currently housed with 3 LF and one silkie who she was raised with. I would like to put the nankin and her silkie friend with my other silkies but she is so tiny compared with my Silkie Rooster. Now to Fluffy's (rooster) credit he is very good natured old boy. She is only 12 weeks but I do not know how much bigger she will get. I was thinking it might be best to introduce the entire teenage flock to the silkie pen then remove the bigger ones, once the nankin and silkie are established. Then put them in my Dorking pen once they get a little bigger since my young roosters are a bit young and randy. I can move just Fluffy into the teenage pen, or move them into neutral territory. Or even place them side by side in a big horse stall (of course there is no grass in the stall).


Thanks for any advice,

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