Nanny Hen Helps With Chicks, Goes Under Wing at Night


11 Years
Oct 1, 2008
North Carolina
Momma hen hatched 3 chicks 3 weeks ago. After a week she started taking them out into the world to peck and scratch. It was at this time that another smaller bantam hen started "helping" with the chicks. If there was a straggler, she would round it up.

Then I noticed that this nanny hen would get under momma's wing during the day, and at night, she would roost on the floor, under wing along with the chicks. Is this odd?

The nanny and momma are about the same age. Here is a pic:

Normal, not sure. But I have had happen as well.

Is the nanny broody?

I have two hens sitting now and the chicks will hatch at the same time. Well the hens will probably need to be seperated and one hen given all the chicks to care for. My experience is two broody will fight viciously over chicks.
I don't understand this, but it seems SOOOO sweet and special. Something about Sisterhood. Thanks for sharing and for the pic!

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