National Panic Day is Today!


9 Years
Apr 18, 2010
Hillsborough, NC USA
I had no idea, copied this from

Panic Day

Mar 9 Panic Day -- Run around all day in a panic, telling others you can't handle it anymore. Co-sponsored by the Sky is Falling Committee.

Here's how one city came to terms with a Panic Day celebration: Miami_Herald

Top 20 ways to get the most out of Panic Day:

(followed by some recommended essential oils for Panic Day Aromatherapy)

1) You are definitely encouraged to loudly proclaim, "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it any more!" Or, run around wildly and proclaim , "I'm stressed, I'm stressed and I can't take it any more!"

2) Megaphones are allowed, but it’s even better if you can exercise your natural lung power, breathing very fully and deeply for a great big, cathartic shout.

3) We encourage employees everywhere to fill their company’s suggestion box with the request for a sound proof, padded room. Thus, Panic Day and any other occasion that requires loud, ridiculous behavior can be celebrated discreetly.

4) If, like most of us, you are without a sound proof, padded room, then be bold, be assertive, and take a stand by the water cooler, swearing not to budge until “things get better.”.

5) Stay in bed all day. But first, get up, brush your teeth, head to the kitchen and load up on snacks and drinks. Make sure you have lots of fluffy pillows to hide your head under.

6) Get up and go jogging or swimming or bike riding.

7) Phone in “well.” Call your boss and tell him or her that you feel too darn good to come in to work today, even though it’s a fib. That way you won’t appear to be a victim.

8) Go to work way over-dressed. Wear a tux or a prom gown, and, when asked what it’s about, simply reply, “I have an engagement later on.” Keep ‘em guessing.

9) Call the local TV station and tell them you’re going to run for President and that you’re holding a news conference at your house at noon.

10) Go the animal shelter and adopt a dog or cat.

11) Attempt to dye your hair in a checkerboard pattern.

12) Head for the toy store and buy as many toy soldiers as you can and come home and conduct a “war” in your living room.

13) Mix up a couple bottles full of food coloring and water and go out and write wacky things on the snow.

14) Call the Y and try to convince the pool manager that the pool should be filled with lime yogurt.

15) Start a new religion.

16) Put red dots all over your face and go food shopping.

17) Go the shore and walk the beach, or go to the mountains and climb a large hill.

18) Stand on one foot in the middle of a large mall, waving your arms up and down and proclaim, “I’m a bad bad birdie, I’m a bad bad birdie.”

19) Go to a Senior Center and sit down and have a chat with some nice older person.

20) Contact the local fire company and ask if you can come over and help wash a fire truck.
I am thinking on doing number 7

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