Natural Nest incubation(my attempt)

Egg #4 from the box got the crack last night as it was clear thee was a bad blood ring. So I opened it and not only did I find it must have died on day 2 or so, but sure enough there was a blood ring and the rest was all scrambled.
I'm not looking forward to the cracking of the bad eggs..they have a peculiar smell that I don't like. Not and almost a bleachy or snot smell.
Yeah it wasn't fun but I needed to get it and check it. And I did it outside by the burnbarral. And its sucks I lost it but if I'm right I have atleast 4 groweing pretty healthy babies.
Yeah it wasn't fun but I needed to get it and check it. And I did it outside by the burnbarral. And its sucks I lost it but if I'm right I have atleast 4 groweing pretty healthy babies.

I'll be so excited if you have a good hatch on those chicks. If I cannot get this to work, I so want somebody else to do it with success because I have faith in the method, just not in my own abilities to use it properly due to my inexperience on hatching.
:woot   I'll be so excited if you have a good hatch on those chicks.  If I cannot get this to work, I so want somebody else to do it with success because I have faith in the method, just not in my own abilities to use it properly due to my inexperience on hatching. 

I have faith in your eggs and method Bee. In fact I like the box better then the dang LG I bought. Dang thing won't hold temp stable...

good idea doing that by the burn barrel!!  We can learn from all things. Glad you have 4 going so well!  It is the best to count our blessings and learn from the rest. :)  

Yeah I knew better then to do it anywhere else. And yep. I'm hoping I have more then 4 because most are very dark. I do have another blood ring and 1 clear, but the rest are dark that gets bigger! Did I mention #8 was in the fridge for almost 3 weeks? I put it in as a heat sink and it was supposed to end up with a hole in one end, but I lost track of it for a bit. Now it has a very active and sensitive baby inside. It moves from light!
That's the meaning of life. That is is beautiful and unexpected and changes. I'm actually enjoying this experiment and if it works I'm gonna keep using it.

Also my husband made a good point when I was trying to sanitize my LG, that hens aren't clean and dirt iisnt clean. So I can't help but thinking these babies will be strong then my LG ones.

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