Natural worm treatment


6 Years
Apr 2, 2018
Perth, Western Australia
Hi all,
Several months ago on this site I discovered a natural remedy for worms. It comprised of lots of things but of course I didn't write it down. I do recall it had fermented veges in it.
I have just discovered round worms in my chicken droppings and really need that recipe. If anyone remembers it would you be able to direct me to it?
Also, why would live worms be being passed rather than just the eggs?
Thanks in advance for any help I can get. Bron
I use a proven dewormer such as Valbazen or SafeGuard Liquid Goat Wormer (fenbendazole.) Panacur horse paste is also good. Chicken eat worm eggs in the soil and droppings, and the eggs hatch out producing worms. They can have worms even if you don’t see a worm. So called natural wormers are not usually affective. Vets can do fecal floats ro look for worm eggs and other parasites. There can be several types of worms that affect chickens.
Thank you both for your help. Every time I try a liquid wormer the chooks won't drink it no matter what I do. The vet suggested some raspberry cordial mixed in but to no avail. I've tried to get worming paste but it doesn't seem to be available in Australia which is extremely frustrating :rantThis is why I thought a homemade mix would be more successful as the chooks will eat anything, and I mean ANYTHING, even me if I don't put snacks down quickly enough!!
I haven't looked for horse worming paste yet online. That is my next move.
Thanks again :cool:
Hey Eggcessive,
I've been searching Panacur Horse paste and haven't found that particular named product. However, the pastes I have found have either Praziquantel or Mortantel tartrate. Which is the most suitable and how do I work out the dose for chickens? I need to be sure as horses are just a tad bigger than chickens! Also I don't want to overdose and kill them. Would I need only one syringe?
Hey Eggcessive,
I've been searching Panacur Horse paste and haven't found that particular named product. However, the pastes I have found have either Praziquantel or Mortantel tartrate. Which is the most suitable and how do I work out the dose for chickens? I need to be sure as horses are just a tad bigger than chickens! Also I don't want to overdose and kill them. Would I need only one syringe?
Here's a wormer you can use and it's very effective, and sold in Australia:
Panacur is available in AU, but I cannot find it in a smaller tube. If you can get Panacur from a vet or a cattle/horse supply, the dosage for chickens is 25mg per pound given once and in 10 days for roundworms only. Or give it 5 consecutive days for most all chicken worms except tapeworms. Here is a large volume of fenbendazole (Panacur) below that is 100 grams per ml. Remember the dosage is 25 mg per pound, not grams. If you can find the wormer that @dawg53 has recommended which contains levamisole, that will also work.
Here's a wormer you can use and it's very effective, and sold in Australia:
Thank you dawg53 but that is the worming liquid I have tried to use in the past without one iota of success. My chickens refuse point blank to drink it despite me following all the directions.
Panacur is available in AU, but I cannot find it in a smaller tube. If you can get Panacur from a vet or a cattle/horse supply, the dosage for chickens is 25mg per pound given once and in 10 days for roundworms only. Or give it 5 consecutive days for most all chicken worms except tapeworms. Here is a large volume of fenbendazole (Panacur) below that is 100 grams per ml. Remember the dosage is 25 mg per pound, not grams. If you can find the wormer that @dawg53 has recommended which contains levamisole, that will also work.
Thank you Eggcessive,
I'll go and search the local vets and feed stores and see if I can find it. I'm having a bad time all around at the moment with a broody hen that I can't seem to break after 6 weeks of driving me crazy. She has now talked one of the other girls into joining her and I am at my wits end :hit:rant

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