NE Oklahoma Chicken Stock - Let's Plan!

So I can't sleep & was wondering about maybe a demo on properly grading eggs? I know most that sell eggs just sell what they collect, but I believe any off farm sales are suppose to be properly graded. Anyone actually grade their eggs?
So I can't sleep & was wondering about maybe a demo on properly grading eggs? I know most that sell eggs just sell what they collect, but I believe any off farm sales are suppose to be properly graded. Anyone actually grade their eggs?

I don't grade eggs, but perhaps others do. If we don't have anyone who wants to do a demo, someone with the knowledge of properly grading eggs could set up a static display with photos and information: hint, hint
I don't grade eggs, but perhaps others do. If we don't have anyone who wants to do a demo, someone with the knowledge of properly grading eggs could set up a static display with photos and information: hint, hint
I found a really good guide the other day & printed it. Was surprised to see how they graded eggs that were pictured. Just let me know & worse case I could provide some general information.
I came up with an idea to raise more money but I don't know if it would entail any permiting or anything like that. What about doing a
"Best Egg Receipe" contest. Do sort of like the Chili cook off and each person buys a tasting tray for 3 or 4 dollars and you give them a ticket to give to the person that they like the best receipe of. We could have a little trophy or something to give to the winner. I am sure I can find trays on the internet somewhere fairly cheap. Poco, hope you enjoy your new brooder!
I came up with an idea to raise more money but I don't know if it would entail any permiting or anything like that. What about doing a
"Best Egg Receipe" contest. Do sort of like the Chili cook off and each person buys a tasting tray for 3 or 4 dollars and you give them a ticket to give to the person that they like the best receipe of. We could have a little trophy or something to give to the winner. I am sure I can find trays on the internet somewhere fairly cheap. Poco, hope you enjoy your new brooder!

This sounds great. Would a tray with sections be needed, to keep things like egg salad separate on the tray?
Sounds like a good idea, but my question is how to get electricity to the cooking area. Are there electrical outlets near an area where this could be set up?
I would say you probably need to cook your stuff at home. for those with a chilled product use an ice cheast, those with a warm product....? Sunlight? Or cook that morning and dont refrigerate.
we could use segregated trays for multiple products but the idea is that each person who buys a taster kit goes to each stand/booth and gets a sample of the recipe and moves to the next booth. dont give them a heaping spoonful. we could buy a little trophy and maybe everyone that enters a dish could do a 3 dollar entry fee and the winner gets the cash and the trophy.
There are electrical outlets throughout the barn, but I wouldn't suggest cooking anything inside the barn. I don't think it's sanitary enough. The Girl Scout Troop running the concession table is going to set up outside the barn, and their crock pot, coffee pot, and other warming warming appliances will have lids.

I think people need to cook things at home. Maybe hot food would be too difficult. Coolers will keep food from spoiling and are portable. Perhaps those participating can use a table outside the barn to put food into trays. I'm thinking dust could be a problem indoors, since it's a barn.
I think cooking inside the barn would violate some rule with the fairgrounds anyway. Cook at home. DH had an idea as far as warming goes though. I can bring the big propane grill and set it outside for those that would need to "warm" something up since my booth is right next to the main door. As far as the dust goes, it really isn't that bad in there even on the nastiest of days. We show the pigs in there and that is the nastiest time of year. Folks at their own booth will need to put lids on if they are on dishing something out. And as far as the folks walking around with taster kits we shouldn't be giving them a "hungry man" portion to collect dust. Hubby says he just wants to graze on everyone's cooking since he has to be there all day.

If we do this we need to set some rules:

1. Main ingredient MUST be poultry EGGS. Chicken, duck, goose or guinea. (I thought I would throw that in cause hubby made a smart alec comment about snake eggs) yuck...
2. Everything must be kept sanitary.
3. Make enough for 100 samples.
4. Limit of 5 entries.
5. $3.00 per entry.
6. $3.00 per taster kit. Taster kit includes napkin, spork, and small plate with sections.

I can also get a hold of the newspaper and see if she will run a promotional article for a "what to do this weekend" section.
I can also hire Joe's kids and my own to do Trash duty and go around making sure things are picked up.
Another idea if someone wanted to do it. Has anyone talked to anyone at the Egg Council? They go to events all over and set up booths to talk about the INCREDIBLE EDIBLE EGG!!!! That would probably also cover egg Grading.
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