Near-Term egg severely cracked

Thanks. I've made a small air hole. I would assume that if the chick is otherwise healthy (just stuck to membrane, or can't get enough leverage) that with air, it can survive another day or two. Since it started peeping yesterday. How long should I wait to help it again if it still has not started zipping?
I'd search for helping chick hatch here on BYC there are lots of threads.

The basic is peel back a portion of the shell without peeling the inner membrane. Check to see if there are veins or not showing and if they are full of blood or are empty. If empty you can help peel back the membrane a little and the chick will then self hatch. If it has blood then the chick isn't ready yet it is still absorbing the blood.
So, I popped a small hole up near the top of the egg (after candling to make sure of a clear place away from the chick), then brought the humidity up to 85% to help him/her either get free or keep from getting stuck. Peeping was nice and strong.

After a few hours, "Lucky" went from pip to zip in about 30 minutes or so. Here are a couple of pix

This one shows how much shell was missing after it was stepped on. We used a piece of duct tape on the other side, but clear tape on this side.

This shows where I popped an air hole (at the right) and the extent of damage to this side including how much shell was missing over here. You can also see a bit of condensation on the clear tape from the high humidity. I'd like to think that cranking the humidity up helped "Lucky" get free.

One last view of the damage before the 'great reveal'!

And here's the final result --"Lucky"!

There are some unique features you may notice about Lucky. An extra toe, feathered legs, and a walnut comb. Those come from Lucky's daddy who is a (predominantly) Silkie cross. Elvis has all the Silkie features except he has hard feathers and instead of a 'fro, more of a pompadour (thus the name "Elvis"). Lucky's mom is a Welsummer. Elvis and Summer grew up together in the same flock, so I just left Summer in there. She's also sitting on a couple more of her own eggs, a couple of Silkie eggs, and a handful of Ameracauna/Silkie eggs. Elvis is the only roo and for a small guy, he does his job well! (as a matter of fact, if you look at my avatar, that's Elvis!)

I may take a picture out and show him on Father's Day! lol
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Oh my gosh that is ONE LUCKY CHICK!!

Duct tape fixes *EVERYTHING* lol

You really should send an email to the duct tape company with these pics! I'm sure they would get a kick out of it ;)

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