Nebraskans Speak Up!!! NEBRASKA ROCKS!!

Hey, first time poster but have been lurking for quite some time.
(South Omaha, Nebraska)
This poor hen and her babies need some help. I'd be preaching to the choir when I say that's no way to keep a momma and her babies. We cannot take a hen because we only have 3 & 5 week old chicks and are afraid that she'll attack them and my DH said no more.

"There is a moma chicken and 7 baby chicks. Very nice family. sorry but the cage is not for sale. if you have any questions please call 4025100406. and ask for jovany. thanks like i said 10 dollars for everything."
PrincessFig. Have the mama and her babies found a new home yet?
Still haven't gotten chickens, but I've been doing a lot of reading. Is anyone else going to (or have been to) Black Sheep Farms' Chicken Academy on Sunday? I'm so excited!!
Hey Lady! Tell me that the community garden that got robbed in Omaha wasn't yours! I was sure thinking about you today!

Wow...I have been in such a daze this weekend/week. I didn't hear about it, but I have not been over there this year. Long story...will share later in a PM or email. Where was it? Now I am going to have to google some news. :)
Hey all wanna help with some chicken guessing?

These are about 4 weeks. One of the elementary schools in our district hatched eggs and they had NO clue what they are.

I is a Buff Orp but any guesses on the other?

Certain that the Buff is a hen, the white one looked hen-ish and but is a but different than the buff in terms of body. Kind of reminds me of some of the Mediterranean breeds (straight up and down tail). The white ones legs are starting to turn grey-ish.

Both feathered out similarly and at the same time. The buff one looks heftier but I think it is just breed difference. Love to hear what you think.

Wow...I have been in such a daze this weekend/week. I didn't hear about it, but I have not been over there this year. Long story...will share later in a PM or email. Where was it? Now I am going to have to google some news. :)

I don't know where it was...just sawn an ad for the news and then ended up missing it. You'll have to tell me if you find out where it was
I don't know where it was...just sawn an ad for the news and then ended up missing it. You'll have to tell me if you find out where it was
I was not the garden in my neighborhood. More north of where I live. Very sad though, what kind of schmucks steal a kids garden. Crazy the Black Sheep Farms that tbtarro was talking about was in the video and the little article below.

An entire community garden.
"We had zucchini, tomatoes, peppers, onions, potatoes."
Plotted, planted and cared for by kids, is gone.
"To see it wiped out and dug up and stolen, it's pretty sad."
Dozens of little kids, working hard for weeks; weeding and planting, to make this garden, at the Sherman Community Center, their own.
Now roots and dirt are all that's left after thieves, dug the whole thing up.
"You know I hate to see the looks on these kids' faces when they come back and see that it's not here. So we'll do everything in our power to try and get it replanted this year", says Acting Director of Parks and Rec Brook Bench.

75 different kids of plants and produce, wiped out. It's a lot of food these kids won't get to eat.

"When we can pick the produce we give it to the kids, we feed the kids with it here while they're here with us. And if we get an abundance, we even send it home with them to share with their families", says Joyce Bayly with the Sherman Community Center.

As word about the garden spread on social media, help sprouted quickly.

"I just thought well you know someone needs to step forward replace what's been destroyed. I can just imagine that these kids who did all this work putting seeds in and watering and taking care of these things, it's got to be a crushing blow", says Owner of Black Sheep Farms Brian Smith.

So Black Sheep Farms is getting other local gardeners to pitch in, to replace what's gone.

Hope growing, in a community garden that's been uprooted, now to be replanted.
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I have been reading and researching about having chickens in town, specifically, Kearney. After determining that city code allowed it, the first week of May, we started raising chicks and building a coop/run in a place in the yard that had previously been untended.

Friday, there was a notice placed on the front door stating there was a neighbor complaint about chickens at this address...and to "Please refrain from having chickens within city limits."

Needless to say, it is quite upsetting. After a call to the code enforcement people, who kept apologizing for the inconvenience, I spoke to a woman who is on a code review team which meets every Thursday. She invited me to present a proposal to clarify city code. I go a less that hopeful state for the chickens at this house.

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