Ned help making feed mix


10 Years
Jul 30, 2009
We have fed our chickens a barley and fishmeal mix for over a year now, and last week, we bought 2,000 pounds of barley at a very low price, as well as fishmeal and BOSS.
Now, the barley has 13 % protein, and I am trying to figure out how much fishmeal (65% protein and BOSS to add to bring it up to 20%.

I plan on mixing 4 gallons at a time, so ratios to fit that bucket would be helpful
I've never mixed my own but I've come across this method for figuring the proper proportion of protein in a few different books that I've read. Hope it helps.

From Colorado State University

to get a desired protein percentage
(see diagram below)

Draw a square and put the desired protein percentage in the center. Example: "finished feed 16%".

Put the grain in the upper left corner as a protein percentage . See the "Protein in Chicken Feeds" chart (below) to get amounts.
Example: "wheat 12.5%".

Put the grain in the upper right corner as parts to mix .
Example: "wheat_________ parts".

Put the protein concentrate in the lower left corner, as a protein percentage.
Example: "soybeans 37%".

Put the protein concentrate in the lower right corner as parts to mix.
Example, "soybeans ________ parts".

wheat 12.5% ________ parts
| * * |
| * * |
| * * |
| Desired * |
| protein amount: |
| 16% * |
| * * |
| * * |
| * * |
| * * |
| * * |
Protein concentrate:===============Protein concentrate:
soybeans roasted 37% _________ parts

Now subtract diagonally through the center, from corner to corner. Ignore changes of sign.

Going from top left to bottom right, 12.5 minus 16 equals 3.5. This number goes in the lower right corner.

Going from bottom left to top right, 37 minus 16 equals 21. This goes in the upper right corner.

The result is 21 parts of wheat to 3.5 parts of soybeans.
Ok, I came up with 49 parts Barley to 3 parts fishmeal.
I think I will keep the BOSS as daily treats.

Did I do that correctly?
I tried it again with a calculator and got 45 part barley to 7 parts fishmeal. For a 4 gallon bucket that means roughly 8 cups (2 quarts) fishmeal to 52 cups (13 quarts) would almost fill a 4 gallon bucket. So as far as protein goes you'd have the correct ratio. You are on your own with other nutrient needs though. There I have no idea how to figure it.

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