Need a better way to water my flock

I have a 5 gallon bucket and use 5 Horizontal Nipples on it. for only 6 Chickens. The Horizontal Nipples are a Leaky way to get water to the chickens in my Opinion.
Where is your water supply coming from, to fill the bucket? Is there any dirt floating in it?
Maybe try a different brand than you have, you shouldn't be having that many issues!

A lot of us on here use horizontal nipples and recommend them, because they work great. Vertical nipples are a different story, they are prone to leaking!

I've been using this one below for 2 years and haven't replaced a nipple yet. I have about 6 different HZ nipple waterers that I use at different times and never had one leak bad. If I had one dripping, I just tap the rod sticking out and it solves the problem, like it just didn't set right, my water stays pretty clean inside.


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I have them on cider blocks on a pallet in the run. Check every day and top off as needed. I clean once a week.

They’re pretty easy to see into to check. If the light is right I can see the water level from 20 yards away.

Each waterer has a plug-in heater in winter to keep the water from freezing.

The setup was life changing - no hauling water every day, dealing with frozen water in winter, etc.
You mention that each waterer has a plug-in heater for winter. Did the rent a coop waterer come with the heater?
A common estimate seems to be that an adult chicken will drink a pint of water each day, and up to double that (a quart each) in hot weather.

35 pints = 4 3/8 gallons
35 quarts = 8 3/4 gallons

So if the chickens are all adults, that amount is reasonable.

I'd weigh in here, since I have hot weather and lots of birds, but honestly, I don't know. My poultry nipples leak, and my tote is so big it doesn't matter. Even the month we went w/o rainfall wasn't enough to empty it. Admittedly, I only had 30 birds then, but its a big tote.

One of two. The other is hooked up to the gutters to be filled by rainwater. This one will be, too, as soon as parts are in stock. White paint keeps it cooler and massively retards algae growth.

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U Stormcrow: do you treat your water or use anything to control algae or mosquitoes?
I saw that you said the white paint helped with algae. Do you do anything else to keep the water not-slimey?
Would I drink it? Only in desperation, or after boiling. Doesn't bother the birds at all. Top is very narrow, and largely filled by the downspout from the gutter. Mosquitos have NOT colonized it.

I did get a green algae line where the water tends to sit, near 250 gallons, and a bit of sludge at the bottom - but it remains generally undisturbed as the chickens drink or I fill bowls, so I don't concern myself with it. Once a year, I dump the whole thing, partially fill, add a gallon of bleach, lightly scrub (you have to put the brush in first, then insert the handle in and screw them together in the tote), flush, and refill. But I probably don't need to even do that.
I use a kiddie pool as long as I don't have chicks around. I clean and fill about once a week with 50+ birds. It can get a little dirty mainly with alge, but chickens really don't mind. It works well here in the winter just breaking the ice off the top, but we don't get that cold. Only down to about 20F.
I use a kiddie pool as long as I don't have chicks around. I clean and fill about once a week with 50+ birds. It can get a little dirty mainly with alge, but chickens really don't mind. It works well here in the winter just breaking the ice off the top, but we don't get that cold. Only down to about 20F.
I've a kiddie pool too, but the ducks swim in it. after a couple days (two, sometimes three) the chickens won't drink it it anymore. I don't blame them.
i tried about everything and sooner or later the squirrels or something else gets around to destroying it .. now i will use an old bucket or other reused container can be anything, cut it down and screw it to something so it cant be turned over .. it just needs to be low enough to spray out and have enough of them they dont run out, and dont locate them under a roost lol, that never works out, somebody always poops in the water lol .. daily routine is spray the coop out and refill the waters .. just how i do it ..
I have such a mosquito problem. The darn things hatch in the water then they move into my carport just waiting for me to let them in the house. I mostly use fortiflex pans and dump at minimum every 3 days, usually more often.
I had a commercial rain barrel (it was a gift) but it became mosquito central. It was very thick opaque plastic and did not have an algae problem.
I like the tote idea and there are quite a few for sale on Craig's List near me.

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