Need a little help...


12 Years
Apr 29, 2007
Have a batch of broilers that seems to have got CRD. They have all the signs. Not sure how this happens I've only delt with two hatcheries and one was tested for MG the other was not tested for it. I could see this on the NPIP paperwork, so not sure how it happend. I'm on a brand new piece of property and have learned my lesson with this disease over the years as I only bought stock from hatcheries... no breeders... no run of the mill chicks. Well needless to say it didn't matter 200 birds are now sick with this terrible disease.

I have 500 turkeys and 200 broilers in the brooder ready to go outside any day. They aren't sick as of right now but I want to keep them that way. What would be a safe distance for them to be away from?

I thought CRD was transmitted through direct contact? These birds are raised in a tractor out in a field by themselves?

I have 200 broilers that are 4 weeks old and will be ready to process in three weeks if there growth isn't stunted too badly. What would you use for them? I have found a Tylan at tractor supply that is used for cattle and swine... is it ok for chickens? It doesn't say poultry so not sure? I have Durimyicin (sp) would this work? I think it's a broad spectrum antibiotic and not sure if it's powerfull enough.

As of last night about 20% were sick the rest were fine. I'm going to treat them all as to try and nip it in the butt.

My biggest concerns are the layers as if they get sick I'm in a whole world of hurt. 300 layers for eggs coming down with CRD would make things difficult around here. If I can isolate this case for 3 more weeks I would be ok.

What is the best way to disenfect for this disease after these birds are gone? Ground? Feeders? Waters? Pens?

Thanks guys... I pretty sure this is a common question in this part of the forum so I'm hopping for some good input.

sorry to hear of your woe's.. you know i had trouble also. i'm almost wondering if its weather related???? i worked with Steve and we think that my issues were from having my poults in the same yard - but not the same pen - as the ducklings. the yard was wet and shaded. we havent had that good ol' hot scorching summer just yet and i think stuff bloomed in the wet and cool???

i'm not sure what the diff is - but sulmet worked for me - as well as can be expected. might have been the antibiotics that finally pinned down whatever it was but so far so good.

i'm no expert at all but wanted to throw in my $0.02 for what its worth
I treated the 200 broilers yesterday with 1/2 cc each. Day two... As of last night I still heard the coughing/wheezing.

How long before I start to see a turn around?

These birds are in a tractor and we have had cool night (damp) I have taken the tarp off that covered the tractor as I thought they were old enough... would this have caused CRD?
The 200 broilers are on pasture by themselves thank god... but I treated them with 1/2 cc of Tylan / bird **what a drag**

However I'm freaking out because I have 500 turkeys that are going on pasture today along with 200 broilers (as soon as these stinkin OHIO temperatures get warm!!!) Man It's august and I think the low last night was 50 somethin??

I'm not complain about the cool weather as I think it's great but my poor birds are having a culture shock at 50 degree nights at 14 days old. I can only keep them in the brooder for so long... i'm not set up to keep them in there past three weeks as new ones come in every three weeks... was doing every two.

However I do belive along with a someone else that the weather has a lot to do with my problems with this CRD. I'm using heat lamps and tarps to keep them warm so I'm crossing my fingers...

I'm just curious to know when I can start to see some signs of improvement... nothin so far and I'm on my way outside to treat them for the second day....

Keeping my fingers crossed....

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