Need a man's point of view


8 Years
Jun 1, 2011
I've been going to neighbors' houses with eggs and letting them know I have chickens and if they had a problem with the noise to let me know. So far so good, but I've only been to 3 so far, and 2 more I know are OK with them, but I still got ground to cover. If I run into a crabby neighbor, I would need a back up plan. The idea came to me when I had them in the garage during the hurricane - all my girls were cheering one of them on when she was about to lay her first egg. Well, I have 5 more that should all be laying by the end of this month and would like to keep the noise down. I thought I'd explain myself first, I know sometimes a woman's reasoning isn't very well understood

OK before I even bring it up to my husband, thought I would ask all the guys out there...
raising chickens in the garage? Yes - HIS garage. Dare I even ask him??
My friends raise their chickens in their garage. They have a moveable outdoor pen with laying boxes in them, and at night the hens are brought in to the garage. They live in large plastic dog carriers and they all seem to fare well. The crates are safe from predators (as is the garage) and they get just as many eggs as they would with a coop. Works well!
LOL I am not a guy.... but why.... to keep the noise down? Believe me you don't want to keep chickens in the garage. I tried brooding some Guinea keets in my moms garage and it will NEVER be the same again. I say NEVER.... LOL. She still hasnt forgiven me.

I think you would get more objections from the people in your immediate vicinity.... next door behind and across the street from you. Deal with them and let them essplain to the rest. Remember chickens usually do a schedule for laying eggs morning and afternoon..... You can also build them a sound insulated coop.
Also to let you know that your hens will likely mellow with age. Mine were quite noisy when they first started to lay. Now that they are 10 months old, we still get the egg song for about 3-4 minutes after one lays. And that's about it. They are definitely much more quiet.
perchie.girl :

LOL I am not a guy.... but why.... to keep the noise down? Believe me you don't want to keep chickens in the garage. I tried brooding some Guinea keets in my moms garage and it will NEVER be the same again. I say NEVER.... LOL. She still hasnt forgiven me.

I think you would get more objections from the people in your immediate vicinity.... next door behind and across the street from you. Deal with them and let them essplain to the rest. Remember chickens usually do a schedule for laying eggs morning and afternoon..... You can also build them a sound insulated coop.

That means *he* will have to build a sound insulated coop (and that's because he used regular plywood to build the coop!!)

Thanks for that insight, if we ever had to move, that wouldn't be the best feature now would it? LMAO​
I thought so, I'm just worried about my chatty leghorn LOL and one of my black sex links screams, rather than sings

Right now my ameraucana announces her egg song 3x and that's it, I haven't heard my buff orp sing yet.
LOL I am not a guy.... but why.... to keep the noise down? Believe me you don't want to keep chickens in the garage. I tried brooding some Guinea keets in my moms garage and it will NEVER be the same again. I say NEVER.... LOL. She still hasnt forgiven me.

I think you would get more objections from the people in your immediate vicinity.... next door behind and across the street from you. Deal with them and let them essplain to the rest. Remember chickens usually do a schedule for laying eggs morning and afternoon..... You can also build them a sound insulated coop.

That means *he* will have to build a sound insulated coop (and that's because he used regular plywood to build the coop!!)

Thanks for that insight, if we ever had to move, that wouldn't be the best feature now would it? LMAO

Also I think TheSpiceGirls said it they will mellow with experience. He didnt build the coop wrong... Sound insulation is pretty easy to do another layer of wood with newspaper behind it.... Something that if it got into the coop wouldn't be hazardous to their health like fiberglass insulation.... (it non toxic but you don't want to eat it)
We have a folding gate my husband built for the driveway, to keep the dog in, we used that and it had a much bigger space for them to scratch and roost etc but like perchie girl said, it will never be the same, and I wouldn't want my husband to resent me for that. I've used the garage as a brooder for them as babies, but it was a mess.
perchie.girl :

That means *he* will have to build a sound insulated coop (and that's because he used regular plywood to build the coop!!)

Thanks for that insight, if we ever had to move, that wouldn't be the best feature now would it? LMAO

Also I think TheSpiceGirls said it they will mellow with experience. He didnt build the coop wrong... Sound insulation is pretty easy to do another layer of wood with newspaper behind it.... Something that if it got into the coop wouldn't be hazardous to their health like fiberglass insulation.... (it non toxic but you don't want to eat it)​

Oh I thought you had to use outdoor plywood to build the coop. It would be hard to add on another wall since there's a hatch or window on every side of the coop LOL but I'll think of something...

Oh also, I forgot to mention that I did brood them in the garage as babies. We also had a loveseat in the garage, they would free range in the day and they would all cuddle on the loveseat at night... LOTS O POOP! I cleaned it up every day:lol: so it didn't go out of control, but yeah, bigger chickens, bigger poop.

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