
12 Years
Dec 14, 2007
I Am at home in Georgia
Finally back after almost three long months away!

My problem started two 1/2 months ago. First we added a child to my family, then my brothers sister and parents came and stayed with my family for two whole months. Up to this point all my birds were hand feed and well behaved even my RIR rooster. He would even let my 3 yo daughter feed him and pet him at 10 months old. Once my family showed up I had more chores to do and everyone had less time with the chickens. Now My rooster will chase my kids and my wife. I do not have a problem with him. He will eat out of my hand if kids are not present. My wife does not run from him, kids do.

My question is can I retame him to the point where he won't chase my kids family and be civil?

Does any one have some advice on helping kids with a rooster, other than applying the rod of wisdom?

One more change in the hen house We have a Tom Turkey that thinks he is a chicken he is only about three months old. Yes they sleep together and eat together.


My flock has 8 hens RIR Rooster and a blus slate Tom turkey all in one pen.
1 slash /1 blue blue orp plus 9 rir hens in a pen
then all my quail in another.
Where do I find that page??

I had no intention of getting any roos, but two of the batch I ordered last spring were boys...not mean yet but one does peck and "spur" me (he has no spurs yet) at times. Since I didn't plan on roos in my flock, I didn't read up on roo behavior, now I need a crash course! I like him, he's beautiful, but can't have a nasty bird. I'd love some tips on how to deal with him.
I was going to suggest our resident roo tamer but I see he already heard the whisper and repsonded!!! Lee is the best if he can't help tame that roo...the stew pot is all that's left!!

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