Need advice from the experts


12 Years
Sep 2, 2007
When i went to bed at 2am everything was great. 21 day incubation, chick peeping and egg rolling. At 6:30am I woke and saw the temperature was over 40C (104-105F) and all is silent. I candled and see no movement.

Should I wait or should I intervene? This is my only egg and it'll be a real shame to lose it at this stage. Would you open the egg?
WAIT!!!! The temperature swing you describe is not likely to do any damage at this point. Internal to external pip can take 24 hours. Intervening now will likely do more harm than good.
thank you Kstaven, we were reading the post about opening the egg with forceps and I was feeling so conflicted. I'll wait with my fingers crossed! I just wish it would peep...
Has the chick just internally pipped or has it externally pipped at all? AKA has it broken the shell at all?

I am assuming from your first description it is just internal pip. I have eggs go quiet all the time and learned to let them be.
I hear nothing sometimes-at all. I personally would leave it be.

You shoud intervene if it is in distress, and there is no sign of it. I guess you are worried that he didnt make it through the heat spike. Hypothetically, if he did, breaking through wont help him. If he DID, then he may need no help and opening the egg could compromise him.

Even my eggs that externally pip will stop and "sleep" a while. Hatching is hard work!

I am keeping my finger crossed for your guy!
Since we are dealing with an internal pip I would definately not even consider intervening for at least another 24 hours. Keep the bator closed.
thought I'd copy my post from another thread about the outcome with the egg.

After 48 hours with no signs of life I cracked the egg open to see a dead little chick with an open umbilicus. The yolk was about 3/4 drawn into the abdomen and with a little (accidental) pressure the whole yolk ball came out. I guess I'm glad it died before it hatched so I didn't have to have it euthanized.

Thanks for your help and advice everyone

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