Need advice...going outside for the first time?

Tonite is our chicks first night out in their coop. Earlier today they were getting rather rambaunctius and overturned their water fountain, so their box was a mess and smelly for the first time. So we decided tonite was the night. After spending most of the day out in their run, which they loved, they are now in the coop all huddled up snug together. We put the heat lamp in there over the roost but they are all on the floor together. We built a ladder for them to hop up to the roost but I guess they haven't figured it out yet or can't fly up to it yet. Any suggestions? Or will they learn it all on their own?
They will learn on their own. My 5 week olds have been in the coop since day one. They get on the roost during the day and have since they were 3 weeks old or younger, but they still sleep in a heap on the floor every night. I have read that as they age, they will start sleeping on the roost.
It appears that they are indeed learning how to get up to the roost, as there is poop on the sweet pdz now every morning. So far I just haven't caught them up there though.
How long before I can remove the heat lamp in the coop? The overnight temps have been in the 40s and 50s so I figure I have a little while more.
I have to say a big "THANK YOU" to everyone on BYC for all their help so far, it has been a great experience for us both.
I usually remove the heat lamp as soon as they have all their feathers and are not gathering under it anymore. Once they have insulation of their own they are pretty much good to go.

I combined all of my chickens for the first time this weekend and started free ranging my 8 week old chiks with the year old hens. They seemed to do very well except at night when a few of them wanted to stay out and nest up under the year olds favorite tree. I will see what I can do to discourage this behavior. I am sure with time they will learn that they should follow the older hens. I do have a few hens that are protecting the chicks from some of the more agressive elders which is quite ammusing since the lead hen is one of the ones that want to teach the little chicks a lesson in manners. I watched her kick out the protectors from the coop last night by "snuggling" into them till they were pushed out the door into the hen yard. Eventually they both forced their way back in but it was fun to watch the dynamics.
My little peeps started free ranging with the big girls a couple weeks after I moved them outside. They have been in an open kennel, that the big girls could always see them, so when I let them out to roam with them, it was like no big deal. Unless there is special food involved. My little peeps stick together, and all went in at night. Friday I moved them into the big girl coop, I had to add another perch so all would fit. My little peeps are 8 & 10 weeks old. They seem to all get along, unless food is involved. The little ones keep their distant, unless you bring out cheese or mealy worms, then they run in and grab what they can and run away. So much fun to watch. I went out last night to check on the little peeps (there are 7) and they were all perched on the big girls perch ( there are 4), the big girls hadn't gone in yet. The next time I checked, the little peeps were on their perch and the big gals were on theirs. Wish I could have seen how that came about!
That is pretty funny. All of the littles have found their nitch in with the bigs. Occasionally the bigs will still peck at the littles here and there but now a few of the littles are big enough to think that they can take a step up in the pecking order and will go after one of the bigs. It is very funny to watch. Especially when the little wins.
I agree! Mine still are not brave enough yet to stand up to the Bigs. They run and squack. One of my little Barredrocks has taken up residence on the big girl perch. She stays to one end though. They don't seem to mind her up there. Hopefully she is a she. Still not sure yet if I got any roosters. Nobody crowing as of yet. My black sex links voices are changing though. Puberty I guess!

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