Need advice...going outside for the first time?

Its been so warm in wv the past week that I have had week old chicks outside in my 4 x 6 cage. its covered in chicken wire and i put a tarp over one end with straw on the floor for when want to sleep. They learn to forage and eat grass very young.
My chicks hatched September 26, under the hen, and they were out and fine all winter. The cold weather promoted faster feather growth, I think.
We took our first field trip outside Thursday, it was near 80 here, really lovely. If I didn't have a super grumpy neighbor that I was trying to hide them from we'd definitely be out more often with the weather we've been having. They had lots of fun and stuck together and didn't stray far from us at all. I was surprised since they really aren't into me or being handled, but I guess they know who butters their bread, so to speak.
We had the chicks out this past Friday again...we made a pen in our veg garden for them. They definitely enjoyed foraging in there. They were outside for a couple of hours and we had friends over so everyone was entertained. No dust baths yet though...

ThatChick- how will you keep them secret from your grumpy neighbor when they are outside all the time? I know my neighbors dont think about me when they are letting their dog bark for hours or their kids are setting off fireworks at midnite. I care about their comfort but not to the extent that I cannot do what I want. Thankfully 2 of my neighbors are my BIL and my nephew so its all good on this side of the street.
I feel the same way about the barking dogs and fireworks.

Don't worry about dust bathing. It will come. My rooster didn't take his first dust bath until he was 25 1/2 weeks old! He is all boy and would only bathe in dirty pine shavings. But on the First Day of Spring his sister enticed him into his first dust bath, and he was sold!
Reading all of your stories is making me so excited to let my girls outside! I must confess, once they are in their coop, I will miss them in the house
........They are only 2 weeks, so I have a bit more time :)
We took our 2 weetk old Leghorn pullets out for a little bit yesterday. It was around 75 degrees with a warm sunshine. We were a little nervouse at first, only taking out one, then two, then brought the other three out. They would not leave my wifes side. It was quite endearing considering she thought i was crazy when i told her i wanted to raise chickens again! haha. We have 24 more chicks in the house by they arent quite a week old yet. In the mix are RIR, Black Australorps, Gold Stars, and Barred Rocks. 1/2 dozen each. :)

It funny now because everytime she walks by the brooder she is stopping and talking to them. I think she is getting chicken fever
Your leghorn pullets are beautiful! I miss that age. Mine turn 26 weeks old tomorrow and are laying like crazy. They are fine escape artists, and one loves to lay her eggs in a hidden spot in the field!

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