Need advice please


9 Years
May 1, 2010
Alvarado, TX
I just got 2 new keets today My question is by looking at their picture can you tell what color they will be when they are grown?

Got them at a flea market and all the guy knew was they are Guinea's
Not keeping them on news paper but it was the only way to get a picture of them and have them stand still.

Thanks for looking :)

While I am new and still learning about I.Ding guinea colors, I disagree that the darker is a pearl. IMO, it looks like a Royal Purple possibly pied. The lighter one, I honestly dont know, but I am confident that the darker is not a "standard" pearl. From what I have read (thanks to Peeps!), the stripe on the head is not wide enough to be a fully pearled guinea.
The darker keet is a Royal Purple, but probably not Pied, I don't see any white flight feathers growing in. The silver/blue keet is a Lavender. Congrats on your new babies :)
Thank you all that was very interesting feed back and I appreciate all of you commenting back.

I have been wanting these guys for 3 years and I finally got the opportunity to be blessed today.

Next Question how soon do they start showing who is male and who is female? I probably will luck out and have too males lol but either way I love them to bits we can always get ladies later on.
The little Hens can start buck-wheating (2 syllable call) as early as 5-6 wks old... The males do not buckwheat, BUT some Hens wait forever to buckwheat. (And you may also be able to tell by their posture and wattle size as they mature more towards 8-10 wks old if nobody has buck-wheated by then).

Hope you got a pair!

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