need advice silkie in incubator


Dec 29, 2020
I have a silkie egg, been piped through egg shell bout 24 hours. I removed some of the shell. Looks like blood inside shell. Maybe it piped a vein the membrane. I used coconut oil on membrane. I can wait awhile till tonight or longer or try and remove egg tear or cut membrane and try to extract chic.
I know the chic needs to consume yolk.
The chic may be aligned wrong or maybe not enough air cell not sure. I am by far no expert.

I had another silkie which piped left for over 24 hours and died. Others were hatching I lost track of it.

Should I give it more time tonight or tomorrow morning see what happens, maybe take chance and try to extract tonight? The chic does not look like it going to come out on its own, but then just never know.
silkie egg.jpg
I'm sorry I can't really help because I don't have the needed experience - from what I have read it is importand to keep the area moist so it is good you did apply the coconut oil. Can you see the beak of the chick? When the beak is directly under the hole in the membrane or even a little bit outside it should be able to breathe. It should sometimes be making little motions with its beak like 'swallowing', this would indicate it is absorbing the yolk sac and so needs more time. I hope someone with experience in such cases will chime in and help soon and I hope your little one will hatch - good luck :fl

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