Need advice with 8 month old comet


May 10, 2020
North Carolina
My girl came to me at nine weeks and have been in a controlled environment. Laying eggs daily up until 4 days ago when she started acting semi lethargic. Fast forward this morning she couldn't get down the ladder from the coop so I took her into work and x-rayed her. Finding nickel size rocks in her intestine. She started to be more alert but afraid it's just a matter of time. Any suggestions on what to do next would be appreciated.
I am not sure that anything could be done for her short of surgery, which in chickens is very risky. Do you know why she would eat large rocks? Did she have grit available? Is she drinking water? I am sorry that I don’t have any answers. Do you have a picture of the xray?
I am not sure that anything could be done for her short of surgery, which in chickens is very risky. Do you know why she would eat large rocks? Did she have grit available? Is she drinking water? I am sorry that I don’t have any answers. Do you have a picture of the xray?


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I don't kno how she would have gotten access to them. She doesn't free range. She's also given grit . I sent off a stool sample with the results coming back in the morning. She lives with 2 other hens that are twice her size. She has always been small.

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