need advice

I would offer help with the kids so she can start getting things in order to start a new life. No sense staying with someone who is focused solely on their own desires.

If she wants to stay with him he needs rehab and counseling,but I am sure she knows that and probably told him as much.Also testing for STDs is a must for both of them.

Best wishes for them and the kids!
I'm with redhen. I wouldn't lie to my cousin. I would tell her what happened and offer support if she needs it, but I wouldn't get more involved unless she asks for help. What she does with the info is up to her.
I will be there for her no matter what... she is prety much a single mom anyway.. he is never around especially around the kids...
If you had seen him when he was in some place very unlikely to be seen, then maybe ther would be a question as to whether you should tell her, but you were in a very public place where many people saw him with the other woman. Yes, you should tell her, because someone will. Go visit her and say something like, "Mindy, I need to tell you something. When I went to Mike and Caro's wedding, Dan was there with some woman I don't know. It hurts to tell you, and I know it has to hurt even more to hear it, but I couldn't not tell you." Then offer to support her decisions in any way you can, be sure to have plenty of time to stay and keep her company for quite a while after you break the news--don't just tell her and leave.
I agree with Sonoran Silkies. Even if just from a STD standpoint, she should know that her husband is continuing to be at risk, and if she resumes relations with him, will be at risk for diseases. besides all the mind your own business advice, purely for health reasons, one needs to know who/what their partner is doing.
I'm going to throw in something else. He ran over her foot with the tire--how accidental was it? I find it hard to imagine how your foot gets run over when you jump out of a car--jumping would tend to take you away from the car, not throw you under the wheels! This could well be considered abuse, which makes it a police matter.
ditto. Not telling her, just enables him to keep up the bad behavior.

words of wisdom
This isn't some woman you see at the local library from time to time, she's family. I'd tell her. Others saw them at the wedding and it's probably going to get back to her, anyway. I wouldn't want her coming to me saying that others told me that you were there and saw him, so why didn't you tell me? Odds are, she knows he's up to his old tricks already and it won't be a surprise. I hope she can get out of that situation.
They are at HER mom's?

So his butt should get kicked to the curb... he's not doing any favors staying....then she goes to court and gets support...if he gets a job. ha. And then she can go down and qualify for assistance for her and her kids. End of story.

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