Need advice


8 Years
Aug 2, 2011
Please help with this dilemma!!!
Ok so I have no idea what to do, so yet again I turn to the Internet, not as an answer, but as a source. So here it goes, I need any and all advice I can get on the following. Thanks!

Ok here we go....
There is a 4 year old child in my life, and he weighs less than 30 pounds, hasn't started his school shots (school starts in 10 days), hasn't been to a Dr in at least 3 years (because his parents haven't had time, yeah right!), hasn't seen a dentist...EVER! Doesn't ride in a car seat or seat belt because "he doesn't want to" according to the parents...(since when does a 4 year old have a choice in the matter??) They have just now, as in this summer began potty training...REALLY?!?!? He still drinks from a bottle (as in nipple bottle, not 20oz screw top) but not milk, dr. pepper!!! as far as I know the kid never touches milk, or anything else healthy for that matter. he will it some fruits, and very, very few veggies! What I want to know is to I report them?? I really hate to do it, but I have talked and talked and talked and they will not listen!!! I don't know what to do, this crap keeps me awake at night worrying about the well being of this child. The parents seem to only want to take care of him when it is convenient for them.
Oh gosh! That is a toughy but it does seem like the child is being neglected in many ways. The parents need a wake up call and need to know they need to be responsible for this child not only when it is convenient for them. If you had talked to them about this and they didn't listen, maybe they will listen when children and youth come to talk to them. But they will probably know it was you that reported them too if you had already discussed this with them before.
But the child does need to be taken care of much better than what they are doing. Good Luck!!1
I think you already know what needs to be done. Remember this child needs someone to speak for him. When you turn over a child to enforcement you are not blameing the parents you are only asking for professional advice in this matter to determine if this child needs help. If the parents have done nothing wrong No worries. But if they have, this could effect this child for the rest of its life. Please always think of the child, do the right thing!!
I say NO to reporting.If the parents plan to enroll the kid in a preschool (later school) he will get his vaccinations unless they sign a waiver for them. He will need an eye and dental exam along with a general physical. It is then that the medical professionals can determine if the child is unhealthy. Many parents would lose their kids if what you listed was grounds for CPS involement.

Other than offering some healthy food choices for the child I would say stay out of it.
The parents (my in laws) took the child from his mother because she was "unfit" she was doing the same thing they are. Thanks for all the help, and husband already said that we would take the child before he let DHS have him, which he is the next legal guardian according to the adoption paperwork, I just don't know what to do!!!!
I agree, plus the professionals at the Dr office can report the parents if need be, and so can the school. If you report them, you will probably be alienated from the child, and whether he knows it or not, he needs a friend other than these parents. Try to stay in his life for that.
Report them if it concerns you so much. CPS will determine what if anything needs to be done.More than likely the child will be looked at by a doctor,and the parents would be required to attend parenting classes.Visits would be done by a worker until they determine the parents are doing as ask,and if they do not then CPS will pull the child.It is then that you can apply for fostering.
Thanks so much!!!! That helps ease my mind!!! I don't want CPS to take him, I just want him healthy and smart! he doesn't know his colors, numbers, or abc's
Thank God my husband was raised by his grandparents!
I would report his parents. His weight doesn't really concern me, some kids are just small, the rest of it does. It is at best lazy parenting, and at worst, neglect. You can do an anonmous report, they will have to look it to it. You will probably be called if they decide to remove the children.

A kid doesn't need to see a doctor before preschool, if the parent says they have an objection to it. Same thing with shots.

It is a tough situation to be in. My heart goes out to you.

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