Need advise


11 Years
Nov 6, 2008
Hi All,

I am new to the board so forgive me if this question has been answered before... I could find it if it has... anyway, do most of you do this as a hobby or for a living. Can someone make a good living raising free range chickens for eggs? I am in the very beginning of my research so if this sounds very 101 it is because I am at the 101 at this stage.

Thanks so much for your help.
Our chickies are a hobby as well. No eggs yet..just expensive cutie patooties!! Hopefully someday we will have eggs.
Mine are a hobby as well but they will help to supplement our household income. There is not much money in eggs but I enjoy having my birds and they give us fresh eggs and meat to eat as well as the money I make on selling a few dozen hatching eggs or chicks along
Yes I love lavender and many many years ago on another board I picked the screen name Lavenfield because the name Lavender Field was not available and I have used it since.

You grow lavendar... how awesome... I would love that.


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