Need basic advice on creating sex-links


12 Years
Apr 28, 2011
Hi all,

When creating sex-links, is the basic recipe any non-barred male over any barred female? Or is there more too it?
Assuming you're talking about a black barred hen like a Barred Rock or Cuckoo Marans, it is pretty straightforward as you say, and there are only a couple things to be careful of with that cross:

You'll want to avoid using a white rooster in such a cross. White could be hiding barring, which would ruin your cross for sexlinked chicks, or if it's dominant white like in White Leghorns then your chicks will all just hatch white and you won't be able to tell barred from non-barred at hatch. For this reason, you'd also want to avoid males with patterns based on dominant white, like Red Pyle or Buff Laced, for example.

Some other genes can make it harder to tell if there's a head spot or not by kind of muddying the expression of the head spot. I've heard that telling blue from blue barred in chick down can be pretty tricky because the head spot sort of blends into the blue coloring, for example, so a blue or splash rooster might work for making barred sexlinks, but might also make ambiguous chicks that are hard to tell apart.

Other than that, yes, any non-barred male to a black barred female will make sexlinks. 🙂

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