Need comedy in your day? Get Chickens!


8 Years
Aug 10, 2011
Indiana, PA
My chickens always make me smile, I love watching how the pecking order the previous "Queen of the Coop" has been displaced and came running to me for as if for backup! Apparently she was too bossy!
Agreed! My DH and I are chicken n00bs currently raising our first flock and they're a riot - each with their own habits and personalities, but all quite sweet and very silly. XD
My favorite time of day is in the evening when it gets cool enough here in Kansas to let my chickies free range for awhile. My husband and I, and sometimes our grandsons, just sit, drink tea or whatever, relax and watch the chickens! It's so relaxing to watch them and listen to their little, sweet noises! They take our minds off of any troubles we might have! I am a massage therapist, and know the importance of relaxing! It does a body (and MIND) GOOD!!

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