need cool Asian names for my mottled cochins. Verdict is in. Thanx!

Go to any search engine and type in 'asian+baby names'. You'll find links to many sites that offer suggestions, along with the meaning of the name.
yuki means snow.. ami ( amee) means candy.. ninjin means carrot... tori means bird... ill think of more
arisa is a pretty asain name .. nico... noe... chan...
So I'd have a General Tso and a Sgt. Pepper (my rosecomb roo)
....I re-homed the original Sgt. Pepper but his son is now Sgt. Pepper as well

Im loving Yuki and Nico as well as Yasu...hmmm...I really liked Tiramisu but if it's not Japanese (though it does sound like it:) it just won't do.

I will check out the Asian baby names....we might need them for other reasons, too
We might be prego right now!! My hubby is Korean so I would like to incorporate a Korean middle name in there. My first son is Wyatt and his middle name is Moon....partly hippy but partly heritage
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My youngest son was adopted from South Korea, we kept his Korean name as his middle name, Dong Soo. Some of my favorite Korean names or parts of them are Jae, Dae or Tae. I like the sounds of them. My Chinese daughter (born in Hong Kong) has a beautiful and unusual name, given to her by her birth mother. It is Wai Chi (pronounced, Why Chee).
Wai Chi is very pretty.

My hubby was adopted when he was 5. His middle name is Sung Ho....His first name is Rusty.
Hey, he's a West Virginian now

I think it is very important to make our son aware of his heritage and we try to incorporate some Asian culture in his life whenever possible.
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